I won the Nigerian Stock Exchange Essay Competition in 2008. I just want to tell you how I did it. This is how ordinary students make extraordinary income through essay writing contest with little or no idea using "Essay 101: Win - Win Approach to Essay Writing Contest". N 500 The Solution to All Nigerian and International Essay Contest. "Do You Ever Wish You Could Write The Perfect Essay? Are You Left Baffled About Where And How To Start Writing The Award Wining Essay? This W in-Win Approach W alks You Through The Step By Step W riting Process, Helping You Develop Your Essay Writing Skills, Achieve Higher Marks And Win The Contest." From identifying the essay type and planning a structure, to honing your research skills, managing your time, finding an essay voice, and referencing correctly. Essay 101 ...
In the run up to the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325 (2000)) Women In International Security (WIIS) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation Washington , DC are launching an international graduate student essay competition 1325AndBeyond. The essay contest is intended to highlight innovative and imaginative ideas and strategies to achieve the objectives of 1325 in the 2020s. We hope they will provide important input for the 20th anniversary deliberations of UNSCR 1325. The top five essays will be recognized and will receive a monetary award. First place winner $1,325; Second place winner $1,000; Third place winner $750; Fourth and fifth place $250 For details, visit: https://www.wiisglobal.org/1325-and-beyond/